Sink Hole in Swanscombe High Street
Sept 2024
A Water leak caused a void under Swanscombe High Street by All Saints Close which required the road to be closed whist repairs were undertaken.
We monitored the situation and liaised with the KCC Highways Officer overseeing the repair work to get the best deal for residents. We ensured that “Businesses open as usual” signs were erected and that access was maintained to businesses and residents in the affected area. We tried to get the bus service into the High Street with a return via the Grove but this was rejected by Arriva. Likewise although ourselves and the Highways Officer came up with a plan to allow a restricted bus service through the closure at peak times it was rejected as being too confusing for passengers by Arriva and KCC. However direct SGRA involvement help the Highways Officer convince his superiors at KCC that more than a simple patch job was required. The result is a rebuilt and fully resurfaced section of road.
The hole was fully excavated to remove all the loose gravel. It was 4m to 5m deep. The bottom was filled with concrete up to the level of the utilities and then a layer of sand added. this both protects the pipes and acts as a warning to future excavators that the utilities lie below. Then the hole was filled with roadstone and partially topped with an initial layer of Tarmac. The opportunity was also taken to reprofile the entrance to All Saints Close so that surface water will flow into the gulleys. At the same time all the drain were inspected for potential faults. There were none requiring immediate attention although one at the junction with London Road may need work in the future. KCC also carried out a Ground Penetrating Radar survey of the surrounding road and no further problems were discovered. The road was fully resurfaced from the traffic Islands, past All Saints close and over the railway bridge. We were also able to get KCC to reprofile the pavement by the Station entrance/exit to platform 2 where a significant dip had allowed a large, deep puddle to form every time it rained. Although the work took a week This part of the High Street has now been future proofed.