Lorry Watch
Lorry Watch is a Kent County Council scheme run by Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council in conjuntion with the SGRA
Volunteers will record lorries which are using unsuitable roads, not sticking to the limits, and ignoring restrictions.
The particular focus of the Swanscombe Scheme are HGV’s ignoring the 7.5ton limit.
Patrols are limited to certain locations and times of the day.
The team is led by Councillor Liz Wickham and all team members receive appropriate training.
In formation gathered by the team is forwarded to KCC who will contact the lorry company to ask them the purpose of their journey and why they are using restricted roads. They will remind the company they have to adhere to traffic restrictions and to remain on the strategic network where possible. A record of the incident will be recorded so any specific trends can be identified.
To get more information and/or to volunteer please contact Liz via the form on the right.
All members of the public can also play their part by reporting HGV’s infringing the 7.5ton limit through a portal set up by Kent Police.
The link is:-