Questions raised with The London Resort (LR) by the SGRA on behalf of residents.
The minutes of all meetings are to be made available within 10 working days of the meeting on LR’s dedicated Community Liaison Group page. The planning documents referred to in LR responses below can also be found on the Planning Inspectorate website.
Questions answered at Community Liaison meeting - June 2021
Do residents have the opportunity to comment on any updates made by LR following the four months extension to the application period due to the Peninsula now being a SSSI?
LR advised that the opportunity to comment on updated documents would be during the examination period if they are registered as an Interested Party. LR explained that technical engagement is continuing with statutory consultees on matters relating to the application documents. LR also advised that the email and freephone line are still available if any member of the public wants to submit queries, and that around 20 questions are received via email per week from local people and organisations.
The location, including the footpaths, regularly flood, what will be done about this situation?
LR stated it is working with the Environment Agency and the Port of London Authority on flood management and confirmed that improvements to flood defences would be made following further assessments. LR stated that following the SSSI designation, further updates to their approach to the environment would be made to documents submitted to PINS.
A number of residents us with their concerns about the likelihood of visitors to the LR causing parking problems on existing roads at Ingress Park and areas of Swanscombe. What measures are proposed to ensure that those visitors coming by car, park in the designated visitor’s car park?
LR stated its commitment to encouraging sustainable travel choices and to reduce the number of cars on local roads. A number of scenarios are being explored to encourage public transport and monitor travel choice - through ticketing for example. LR confirmed that they are in discussions with local authorities to ensure a ‘monitor and manage’ situation when the Resort is in operation to ensure that if a problem is identified, a solution is implemented. LR stated that London Resort will for example, fund a parking officer to monitor parking on local roads.
Will the parking costs be low enough to encourage use of the official parks?
LR explained that if parking fees were too low, then this would encourage people to drive. The LR is committed to encouraging sustainable travel choices. The cost must be such that it encourages people to make use of public transport.
What is being done about the potential noise pollution, such as the noise of the music, rides and shouting?
LR confirmed that noise assessments have been conducted and more information is available in Environmental Statement Chapter 15 – Noise and vibration. LR confirmed that this document is being updated to account for the recent SSSI designation. An assessment has been made on noise and it has been deemed to have limited impact on local communities. Gate 2, which is closer to communities, will be under constant review. LR reiterated that Gate 2 is not open until 2029 and so considerations will be ongoing. LR stated that the noisiest rides and attractions will be placed furthest away from residential communities.
What will be done about the pollution and the wildlife that is present on the site?
LR stated that remediation is required to the land to deal with waste and money would be spent on promoting biodiversity net gain. Where onsite improvements are not possible, the LR is exploring habitat translocation and offsite improvements.
Will residents in Swanscombe and the local areas get a reduced price for entrance to the LR?
LR stated that no pricing structure had yet been agreed and all options are being explored.
Questions answered at Community Liaison meeting - October 2021
Answers below are currently based on the notes taken by attendees during the meeting. These will be replaced by full written responses from LR once the minutes of the meeting are issued, which is expected to be no later than the 28th October 2021.
When do you expect to open? How much is entry expected to cost and what, if any, concessions will be available to local residents?
Open date is to be confirmed and the LR have stated that no pricing structure has yet been agreed and all options are being explored.
What steps will LR take to ensure that the already heavily polluted air around in our town is not made worse by their activities?
LR confirmed that this has been considered and information is available in their planning documents within Environmental Statement Figure 16.7 - Nearby Air Quality Management.
How will they minimise disruption to local roads caused by traffic? Are you aware of the gridlock that we already suffer, particularly when there are issues on the M25 / A2, what plans have you in place to make sure you don’t make this worse?
LR stated that they are committed to encouraging sustainable travel choices. Irrespective of whether the LR goes ahead they are aware of the traffic issues we currently face. They see themselves and the investment in the area as a potential solution to some of the issues.
How will construction traffic be controlled so that it doesn't impact on local roads? How long will their dedicated approach road take to build? What routes will building traffic use whilst its built?
Answer awaited from LR.
Is LR concerned they will make the climate and ecological emergency worse? Why pour concrete onto a flood plain in the most over developed, air polluted part of the country in a climate and ecological emergency?
Answer awaited from LR.
Will the lizards and other wildlife be collected and placed in a safe place for the upcoming generation to enjoy and appreciate?
LR have employed professional ecologists who are dealing with this issue. They have also previously stated money would be spent on promoting biodiversity net gain and that they were exploring habitat translocation.
During construction what percentage of jobs/ labour to LR expect to be awarded to local small / medium sized enterprises? How will LR ensure main contractors who largely employ contractors also employ locally?
Answer awaited from LR.
Given Highspeed 1 is already struggling and that South Eastern have raised concerns, what steps will you be taking to ensure that local railway stations can cope with an additional influx of visitors? How are they going to manage, when the weather is not right for the Essex river transfer?
LR are in negotiations with relevant third parties such as the train operators and are confident they can address their concerns.
Why does London Resorts always refer to Swanscombe peninsula as industrial wasteland in any of their news articles and always forget to mention the companies that already exist here? It’s gives a false impression of the land to people who do not know the area.
LR stated that a large proportion of the land is contaminated and they refer to it as such.
Shouldn't rare migratory bird sites be protected? What steps have LR taken? How are migratory birds supposed to know their hereditary winter feeding grounds will no longer be available until they die of starvation.
Answer awaited from LR.
Why are local community groups such as, Save Swanscombe peninsula not invited to this forum?
Membership is drawn from local elected representatives and organisations with an interest in the proposed resort. Membership will be reviewed over the course of the project and may be revised as and when appropriate.
Parking in local area are already bad, what reassurance can you give that this park will not add to the problem particularly in and around IP/ Greenhithe/Swanscombe area? Will the resort car parks be free to use by patrons? If not there is the likelihood that local, already crowded streets would be used to avoid the parking charge.
The parking cost must be such that it encourages people to make use of public transport. LR confirmed that they are in discussions with Dartford Council to ensure a ‘monitor and manage’ situation when the resort is in operation to ensure that if a problem is identified, a solution is implemented. LR stated that they will fund a parking officer to monitor parking on local roads.
What steps will be taken to minimise the noise impact on local residents both during construction and once the park opens?
LR confirmed that noise assessments have been conducted and more information is available in Environmental Statement Chapter 15 – Noise and vibration. Thought has been given to landscaping to minimise noise. LR have previously stated that an assessment has been made on noise and it has been deemed to have limited impact on local communities and that the noisiest rides and attractions will be placed furthest away from residential communities.
What alternative sites (particularly with little wildlife value) have been considered? For example landfill sites such as Tilbury and Mucking or the abandoned Camelot theme park site in Chorley, Lancs? And thinking specifically about Swanscombe what if any ecological discovery would make you consider moving to an alternative site?
Numerous alternative sites were considered in areas such as Hertfordshire, and Buckinghamshire (this is documented in planning application documents). The nearby international rail station and river access was a large part of the reason why Swanscombe Peninsula is their chosen location.